Picking Up Excellent Argumentative Essay Topics About NY Times

It is not always easy to come up with a topic for your essay. It is the first step in the process and although you may be able to initially think of a few topics, they are likely not what you want to write about because they are overused or not appealing.

An argumentative essay is one that focuses on a controversial issue for your main topic. You will choose one side of the other and then work to prove that side of the issue.

  1. Internet sites
  2. There are many sites that can help you decide what you will write your paper on. Simply type “controversial topics about the NY Times” into the search engine. You will want to write your paper on a controversial topic because there is usually a lot of information on either side of the issue. That way you can choose which side you want to support and then work to prove that your side is the right side. Plus, you need to include a rebuttal on the opposing view and controversial issues have a lot of opposing views to choose from.

  3. Writing lab
  4. One of the greatest resources that you possibly have at your disposal for free is the writing lab at your school. This is a meeting place where people can go and work with other students and teachers who can help them with their writing. They can also help you brainstorm some good ideas for your paper. They can help you with all aspects of the paper from deciding on a topic to editing the rough draft. If you are able to meet with someone there, they can get you started on the right path.

  5. Blogs
  6. Check out some blog articles that talk about the stories that the NY Times presents. These are a great place to find controversy. There will be blogs supporting and opposing the stories they run and other aspects. You can also get some ideas of what to talk about from blogs. There are probably people to support your side of the issue.

Once you have an idea of what you want to write about, you may want to develop an outline before settling on a topic. It is a great way to make sure that you will have enough information to support your paper and to write a comprehensive and informative piece.

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