24 Examples Of Informative Essay Topics You Can Explore

The term essay has been derived from a French word essayer, which translates as to try or to attempt. An essay is a short form of writing known which presents the personal point of view of the author and could include arguments, criticism, recollection, reflections and observations about a topic. Essays could be of many different types and varieties and more common among them are personal and autobiographical type of essays that use fragments of reflective autobiography to understand things through anecdotes and descriptions. In factual and objective essays, authors turn the attention of the authors towards some scientific or political theme and do not speak directly of themselves. Abstract and universal essay topics combine ideas from all the three worlds and are also known as Giraffe style writing. Thus the field of essay writing is vast, there are a number of essay writing ideas to come up with, and some interesting topics to explore are,

  1. Personal experiences of the author could be compiled into an interesting essay such as one’s favorite hobby, essay about a person’s favorite academic subject, sport, food, about one’s childhood etc.
  2. An incident that proves ones’ good memory or bad memory, about one’s religious beliefs, favorite television reality shows etc.
  3. For those wanting to write a killer essay on a successful topic, they could choose to write on an famous historic event, essays on favorite speech, development of mobile phones, computers etc.
  4. Medical topics could also be made interesting with essays, such as cancer treatment, new inventions and discoveries in the field of medicine etc.
  5. Funny articles on funny topics are also interesting and information; such topics could be a funny story about one’s family, interesting jokes, television shows, movies etc.
  6. Academic essay topics such as rising school and college fees, rising interest rates of student’s debts etc.
  7. About evolution, genetics in the field of agriculture, about genetically modified organisms etc.
  8. Informative political topics such as women in politics, fate of politics at modern days etc.
  9. Essays on common and complex mental health problems such as schizophrenia, depression, school dropouts, phobias etc.
  10. Historical topics such as history of World War I, II etc.
  11. History of common revolutionary wars
  12. Topics on child abuse, elder abuse, tobacco use, how our body functions, how DNA works etc.
  13. How to break bad habits
  14. Interesting recipes such as how ice-creams, chocolates are made
  15. Some dangerous jobs in the world
  16. Famous and historically important protests across civilizations
  17. About recent recession and how it affects different economies
  18. How to train pets, especially gods and cats
  19. Essays on interesting and favorite paintings
  20. Raising children – what is the best approach?
  21. Essays on healthy diet, proportions of proteins in healthy diet.
  22. Essays on influential books and authors
  23. New breakthroughs in science and technology
  24. Tourist destinations worth trying for everybody.

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